The Fostering Team

Top 10 Foster Carer Myths Dispelled

FF blog 10: Top 10 Foster Carer Myths Dispelled There are a lot of misconceptions about what becoming a Foster Carer actually involves, and you wouldn’t be the first person to be put off by foster caring myths. There are a lot of questions surrounding fostering, partly because so

Fostering in Manchester – Where, Why and How

FF blog 9: Fostering in Manchester – Where, Why and How Looking for a fresh start or highly rewarding career? You could change your life and those of children and young people by fostering. At The Fostering Team we’ll support you in giving back to your community as a

Benefits of Fostering with The Fostering Team

FF Blog 6: Benefits of Fostering with The Fostering Team   At The Fostering Team, our friendly, personal and inclusive approach is just how independent fostering used to be; a family feel from a community of people who all know each other by name and remember the important details

What Makes a Good Foster Carer?

FF Blog 5: What Makes a Good Foster Carer?   Amongst the main qualities that help make an effective and successful Foster Carer is the ability to connect with and have a genuine interest in children and young people, and a focus on the child’s best interests.   At

Who can be a Foster Carer?

Who Can Be a Foster Carer?  [2 min read]   By far the most important criteria for becoming a Foster Carer is the ability to listen and empathise, to provide a stable and loving home and to support and speak up for the children you care for.  There are

What is Fostering

Could you give a home to a vulnerable child when they need it most?  Fostering is about giving a child a safe, secure place to live for a few weeks, months or sometimes even years.  This is a really important role that can help to get a child through

Types of Placement

Being a Foster Carer is a rewarding and fulfilling career that provides potentially life-changing opportunities for a child to be cared for and respected as an individual and to develop positive bonds of attachment with adults.  These important stabilising relationships help children to grow, develop and shine in their